The life skills of confidence, discipline, organization, persistence, commitment are learned through action. Movement is a fundamental life skill, and like every other life skill, it is best learned in a structured environment. Skillful movement of the body is nurtured by experience.
In sport, this is called practice.
At OTT...
we call it dance class.
What is HERO Academy?
We created the HERO Academy Boys Pre-Sports Program to bridge the gaps between:
Movement Patterns
Athletic Agility
Timing & Rhythm
Strength Development
The idea behind the the Hero Academy is that being a superhero takes practice and intention. The Hero Academy creates a safe space for boys of any athletic level to learn the foundation movement, agility and strength. Hero Academy will make your child a better mover, and with that it will build their confidence!
The HERO Academy Boys PreSports program is a 2-part class.
We start by taking the fundamentals of sports and teach using fun structured athletic activities to progress their skills.
In the second half we teach Tap dance. Your student will learn how to read music notes and practice beginners music theory as they learn timing and coordination.
Both of these build footwork, timing, coordination, balance, leg strength, endurance and musicality.
The Power of Play
In a different time, kids played hard. Running, tumbling, falling, throwing was just a part of life. This playing part of life helps develop a child’s mental capacity, self-awareness and confidence. Play is the most important tool of a child's life, especially at the preschool age. They are sponges and all experiences of discipline, order and growth make them feel good.
Dance actions and sports actions are fundamentally the same. We are simply teaching sports through the lens of dance.
Because the parents of girls do not hesitate to enroll their daughters in dance as young as 18 months. This means girls get at least a 3-year head start on the “life skill” taught through dance; things like spatial awareness, body control, discipline, following instructions, leadership and the art of being social!
Life Skills
We want more boys in our Tap Program and in our dance school. We truly believe dance is a secret weapon for your son's development. They will be more organized, disciplined, focused and better able to follow through on instructions (this is massive for a boy in school)
Tap Team
Boys generally do not participate in organized sport activity until the age of 5. Which means there is a gap (or an opportunity) to fill by creating an experience that will allow boys to develop the life skills learned in organized movement.
Organized Movement
The world would be a better place if more men knew the experience of dance. Dance teaches each individual to value community, compassion and self acceptance. Dance teaches men to appreciate and respect the power of grace.
Arts Appreciation
Dance teaches everything a child needs to develop their mind and body as a tool of self expression. A dance studio is a truly safe and accepting place for children to learn about themselves, practice building friendships and get rewarded for following instruction. It is a truly fun growing experience.
If your son stays in dance through their teens, they will be better organized, more disciplined, focused, coordinated, musical and flexible. In addition they will be confident on stage, have developed a healthy respect for the power of females, be more compassionate and community oriented.
The program is very future looking. This window from 4-9 years old only comes once and we encourage you to jump at this opportunity to lay an early foundation for your son's future appreciation, understanding and love of movement and sport in their life.